
2011 Reflections

So.  December 31st.  I'm one of those people that always looks back on the year and reflects on what I've done, successes, failures, good times, bad times, and tries to figure out how I can make the next year better.

And while it may not seem like it from my volume of output (or entries in this blog), I've been really productive this year with a number of great projects and exciting new opportunities!  It's actually been a really successful year both artistically and personally, and I'm really grateful for all the chances and possibilities that have come my way.

There were a number of high points, and a lot of things to be happy about, some artistic things, some otherwise.  I've commented about them in the past, but sure, why not mention them again?

Kalte, the collaborative project I do with Deane Hughes, released a new album on Petcord in March, "Fissures", which we're both very proud of.  If you haven't already heard it, It's cold and glacial and really quite amazing.  Expect a follow up in 2012.

We also played a pretty awesome show in March at the Ambient Ping to celebrate the release of "Fissures".  Thanks to those of you that made it out, and if you didn't (or if you'd like to relive the experience) you can watch some video here.  We have a few plans to play live in 2012, so hopefully you'll have the opportunity to join us then.

In addition to our work as Kalte, Deane and I also have another artistic project called SubZeroArts and we were honoured to present our installation "The Sound is Watching You" as  part of the 2011 Nuit Blanche art event in Toronto.  It's an all night art exhibit that covers the whole city, and it's kind of a big deal.  Definitely the high point of the year for us artistically.  Thanks to all of you that came out (and there were soooooo many of you!), we were totally thrilled to be part of the event, and we look forward to putting on more installations in, you guessed it, 2012.

The ping things net label continued to release music, though I'll admit that I didn't stick to the monthly schedule that I have in the past.  Regardless of scheduling, ping things put out some great new music including really awesome albums by Lorne David Thomson (two releases in one year!), Sensitive Chaos and more.  I've been working on the 2012 release schedule and I think you're going to like it.

On the mara's torment front, well, I didn't do any shows and I didn't release anything.  Which is kind of a drag because I was hoping that I would.  And I've been promising on this blog for some time now that I would.  But I haven't.  And it's not for lack of trying, I've actually spent a lot of time on mt this past year, but I don't have anything ready for release for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is a shift in the way I work and the software I use.  Here's hoping that I start working faster in 2012 (you'll note that I've learned my lesson and I won't be committing to anything at this point...).

And the year ends on a particularly positive note for mara's torment as I'm very flattered to be the subject of a spotlight by the very cool and amazing Hypnagogue podcast.  You can check it out here and of course if you're not familiar with the Hypnagogue podcast, drop what you're doing, stop reading this post, and get over there right now to listen to John Shanahan's awesomely amazing series of over 70 podcasts.  There's loads for you to discover there...

In other news, I got an awesome new job, and my partner and I went on a vacation to Montreal AND we painted the bathroom!  These (unrelated) things probably don't matter much to you, but they're HUGE things for me.  In fact just yesterday I was telling somebody how very much I enjoy my new job and today, six months after the fact, my partner and I had a discussion about how awesome our bathroom looks and how we really should go back to Montreal.  Huge things.  Absolutely huge things.

So that's about it for 2011.  I have a few things to tidy up around the apartment and then I'm curling up with a good book until it's time for dinner.  A little work on music after that until it's time to go meet my partner when her shift is done and we have a quiet stay at home new year's celebration, just the two of us.  I hope that you all have a wonderful evening, and I hope that 2012 brings you all happiness and success in everything you do!

Happy New Year!


PS  Waitasec, what do you mean you haven't read my list of cool music from 2011 where I tell you about all the groovy music I've enjoyed over the last twelve months?  Well then, get on over to the ping things blog and check it out!


1 comment:

Synthejim said...

Happy New Year Rik! Proud to be a part of your highlights of 2011! Now on to 2012!